“AWAKE” is a thrilling new One Man Show by acclaimed Singer/Songwriter and Multi-Instrumentalist Tony Moore, who’s eclectic history in the music industry began as an original member of Iron Maiden before going on to play piano with Meat Loaf; and, then taking on the keyboard player role within Cutting Crew (I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight).
Tony wrote and produced “AWAKE” during the second lock down, and began presenting the live, immersive and moving one man show in May of 2021. Since then, he has performed it over 70 times to packed houses in London and around the UK; and, now, for the first time, Tony brings this unique experience to the wider world.
Although “AWAKE” consists of 100% original music by Tony Moore, the show draws much inspiration from some of his favourite bands including: Pink Floyd, Genesis, Elton John, The Beatles, Alice Cooper, Dire Straits, and many more. It’s a journey to discover truth, meaning, and love in a world gone crazy.
After a recent performance at The FARO MOTO FEST in Portugal, where Tony played to nearly 30 thousand people, the organisers described it as “An Amazing Show”
For the last two years audience members have been very vocal in their love of the show, and some of their quotes include: “Jaw dropping genius…”, “You had me at Guitar…”, “The guitar solos were sonic bliss and the show itself was unique…”, and “If Pink Floyd and Genesis had a son it would e the legend that is Tony Moore!…”
“AWAKE” has also been supported by many in the music industry including Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) who has not only followed the musical journey from its inception and is executive producer of the album but also invited Tony to be a special guest and open for his band British Lion on their sold out UK tour playing all around Britain during January 2024 as well as to join them as special support act for their world tour in Australia, New Zealand , Japan and North America for the end of 2024.
Now Tony is bringing the complete AWAKE experience to audiences around the world as he piggy backs the Iron Maiden World Tour which will be an exciting new chapter in the “AWAKE” story as the show grows and reaches more people. Tony will perform AWAKE at The Horseshoe Tavern on October 25th - the day before Iron Maiden play the Scotia Bank Centre
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